Magical Girl March
31 days, 30 Girls, and 2 Boys
In March 2015 I completed the Magical Girl Challenging, encouraging other artists to draw along with me using the hashtags #MagicalGirlMarch and #MagicalGirlChallenge. The mission was simple- one magical person a day, following a popular prompt list. Some artists submitted sketches, some submitted a handful of rendered images, but I chose to ink each and every magical kid and compile them into this little book. Debuted at TCAF, Magical Girl March is now available online!
Magical Girl March includes all of the original illustrations remastered for black and white printing, a calendar on the interior of the cover with all of the prompts on their respective days, and a funny quip for each magical person. The physical form of this has a 16 pages interior, black and white, pink card-stock cover with embellishments.
A physical copy of this mini comic can be found in Nattosoup Shop for $4+sh.